To initialize and use SDK X you will need an 8 digit App Id and the unit Ids. You can sign up if you don't have an app id at

Create AppId

→ Minimum Unity version 2019 or higher

→ Add External Dependency Manager plugin

SDKX account and register an android app

→ To deploy to Android

→ Player Settings

Download ExternalDependencymanager and open your project in the Unity editor. Select Assets > Import Package > Custom Package and find the ExternalDependencymanager file you downloaded.

Note : Ignore if already present in the project

Click Import

Download the SDK X Unity Plugin then open your project in the Unity editor. Select Assets > Import Package > Custom Package and find the SDKX.unitypackage file you downloaded.Make sure all of the files are selected and click Import.

The SDK X Unity plugin is distributed with the Unity Play ServicesResolver library. This library is intended for use by any Unity plugin that requires access to Android specific libraries (e.g., AARs) . It provides Unity plugins the ability to declare dependencies, which are then automatically resolved and copied into your Unity project.

Follow the steps listed below to ensure your project includes the SDK X.

In the Unity editor, select Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Resolve. The Unity External Dependency Manager library will copy the declared dependencies into the Assets/Plugins/Android directory of your Unity app.

If Android Dependencies Succeeded you will get the below window click ok

After Resolution Succeeded check com.greedygame.sdkx.core in Assets>Plugins>Android .If it is not there then go to Unity editor ,select Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver >Force Resolve

In the Unity editor, select SDKX>Settings

Enable AdMob by clicking the Enabled checkbox under Google AdMob section. Then enter your SDKX App Id and Android AdMob App Id in the field.

If Google Admob Plugin is imported already , Enable the Is Imported checkbox

For testing purpose enable the Development Build checkbox in Build settings

You can test your ads directly in the Unity editor. The editor will add a Prefab image as a Mock Ad like how actual ads will behave on a mobile platform.

Mock Ads

These are mock ads, actual behaviour should be tested on real devices.

Dummy Banner Ad in Unity Editor

Dummy Interstitial Ad in Unity Editor

Dummy Reward Ad in Unity Editor